Qui? Moi? Oh this should be rather interesting. Today, off I go, to be a camp counselor for 6 weeks in Monterey, CA with a zillion young ladies ready to look up to, you guessed it, me. Buahahahahahahah.....
But seriously, I'm actually really excited to return to the summer camp where I spent the best summers of my childhood. I'm assisting with the B&W photo class, which couldn't be better, and with trips planned to roast marshmallows on the beach and creep around Raging Waters (waterslide park) I couldn't be happier. I'm zippin down today in my new (to me) tiny car.... A MINI!...feeling all European and all as I jerk myself and my passengers every which way during my first week working a clutch. Well, Ill be in and out of here, probably mostly out though, as I'm sure Ill be preoccupied most of the next 6 weeks singing Kumbayah...
A bientot!