Friday, September 24, 2010

Like a Kid

I read a cute post this morning (or possibly it was the afternoon that creeped up on me) from a blog included in my harem of blogs.

She spoke of remembering one's childhood, full of belief (or rather failing to prove the nonexistence) of fairies/ghosts , seeing the world as a place of possibility, with tea parties full of pretend and not so pretend guests.

image via Anna Moller

I suppose what she was trying to tell me, is that my life has never been so childlike. Ive never been so excited for what is to come and always willing to welcome breaks in the day with teas, coffees, and freshly baked goods. I'm also fairly sure I will never stop begging for an Easy Bake oven come Christmukkah time. Funny for a gal who isn't particularly fond of teeny tykes.

And nothing like keeping your inner child alive by surrounding yourself my a bunch of wackos***:

***I use the term wacko in the most endearing and complimentary way possible.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Danny B.... Makin Shit Happen

Every time I listen to Dan Barber... well lets just say I dont have anything to argue with him about. His thoughts on agriculture and food seem so clear and sensical whenever he speaks... so why can't we seem to get our shit together? Come on world.

His dorky foodie persona wins me over time and time again... not to mention, he's a little funny too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Fall. Autumn. Whatever you like to call it... happy first day of chai lattes, pumpkin everything, and scarves. Let coziness ensue.

Friday, September 17, 2010


photo via Blue Hour

It was about one year ago that I was walking up from the metro, heavy bags at my ankles trying to translate the phrase "depeches toi!!", to find my first resting place in Paris. It was about two years ago at this same time when I was welcomed to the land of bugs and composting toilets in the rainforest of Costa Rica. And has it already been 6 years since the time I arrived in New York, all by my lonesome at the start of all my crazy journeys?

And now back in California, same time, new place. What is it about fall... maybe its the change of colors, the anticipated longing of the season that lay behind us, the start of yet another school year... that seems ceremonial for all things new and allows us to hit that good old restart button. So maybe the Jews really do have their New Year right. The past few months I have been experiencing this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for all my experiences in the past and for all the possibilities that seem so vast and open for the future. They all seem to start in September and even though peaches and tomatoes are starting to disappear, the end of summer doesn't seem so bad afterall.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On Passion

after chatting with one of my roomies this morning, starting to get to know each other over what we love and the excitement that drives us both... I thought this was supremely apropos when I stumbled across it after our chat.

Sometimes we need a bit of reminding... or maybe that's just me. Have a fun day.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Past Couple Weeks Behind My Point & Shoot

So my dinky little camera doesn't capture the most spectacular photos, but it has held what Ive been doing for the past few weeks. Mostly because Ive been on the go and it fits nicely in my back pocket... Alors, this is what it saw...

Amanda and I drinking copious amounts of caffeinated and decaffeinated beverages...

and the same two girls playing homeless and sleeping in a car.... on the road...

a trip to SF with the Xtina, where we stumbled across my perfect vespa (also perfect for picnic going)....

acting silly with these cuzzles at Norah Jones in fun by the way...
(and note to self and them.... i need to pay them.... I will take this moment to say I am sorry to each person I have not paid back immediately or semi-swiftly. It is not one of my strong points, but I am working on it. I do always pay, the check just isnt always punctual. Note to new landlady if you have found this... I am semi kidding.)

my baked goods...
..... saw old vb-ers play in an alumni match. But didnt capture the day after pain....
and moving into my new home....

veggie garden!
back porch!

the view from my room.... a Buddha, boogie board, and plants... perfection.

What a couple weeks. I regret my point & shoot not seeing what a wonderful two days I spent with my mom at the beach, how much I miss my lil sis and my east coast counterparts, chats with Laura on the sunny lawn, how much I am in love with O magazine, and anticipation for what is to come. But all in all... you did good kid. A la prochaine...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Thought I Was Strange...

Hello all,

So, some exciting news amd updates...after spending a delightful summer in Monterey/Carmel area I thought it would be a pretty nice place to call home for a bit. So, after searching for a job here and there I have landed myself at the cutest little French restaurant in downtown Carmel. The plan is that I will be working there for a bit while the bakery/coffee shop/pizzeria extension is getting ready to open... then ill hop next door with my beret in tow. I've met some great people thusfar, and after two dream-like job offers (the other being half baker half creative developer of sorts...which I will be doing on the side) I joked that finding an apartment would probably be harder than finding a job. huh. not so amusing afterall.
After Paris and New York, a smallish seaside California town would be a piece of cake in the apartment hunting world...right? Huh. (again) Perusing Craigslist got me a bit worried at first since nearly all the posts read something like "Peace. Love. Harmony." or "No visitors and Limited Bathroom Privileges." Still on the excitement high from the new place of work, I didn't let it bother me too much. But after visiting a house that smelled like pee and being greeted by a guy who clenched a forty (a Cobra not to mention) in his hand at 10:30 in the morning I began to worry. Another house welcomed me with the TV blaring so loudly I wouldn't even hear the surfer dude who was trying to rent it to me. Another bid me farewell, not with the commonplace "Have a nice day" but rather "Peace be with you." And these were the ones that made it past the Craigslist screening and phone calls! And when I finally got a second to sit down for a snack, a crazy Aussie started running around (literally...i kid you not) and yelling at me that cell phones give you cancer. Huh. This should be an interesting year to say the least.
But alas, one place was pretty perfection, a nice size house in Seaside... on top of hill with two lovely ladies. They have a deck, compost, and a veggie garden.... even a view of the ocean. The only catch? They are seeing several people who want the place, so I guess they have to like me as much as I like their view. In the meantime, I'm going to try and do something to counteract all the crazy hippie-rageous-ness circling me. Maybe Ill go hunting or something. Just kidding. I think.

The lovely Amanda et moi lunching at La Bicyclette way before the notion of working there popped onto the scene

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Bit Here a BIt There

I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures of the recent happenings... other than my food escapades of course. The past week has been filled with so much gloriousness, I can barely contain myself. First, and arguably the best thus far was my trip to visit an old pal on the farm he has been calling home for the past several months.

I drove out the middle of nowhere, "near Sacramento" (which really isn't all that near anything) after meeting up with the cuzzle et friend for coffee and a coffee shop interview. The further I got from the city, the more beautiful and serene the landscape became, removing all signs of hurried-ness out of scope. I arrived at the farm, welcomed by Greg in the wood shop of course, making one of the multitudes of things that I would just run to the store and buy in my everyday life. He gave me a tour of the garden, the greenhouse, the chicken coup, the river, the kale/ lavender fields which brought me right back to our days in Costa Rica with more or less the same removed feeling from society.... just less bugs. Although he did show me the rattler they caught out in the garden the other day... I guess there is a part of him that must be perpetually surrounded by deadly snakes.

We opened a couple beers, chatted by the river, made dinner, poured some dark and stormies and well, just had a really nice time. The serenity of being disconnected, but in fact more connected that most people, is something I have missed ever since being on the ranch in Costa. We ate at a picnic bench down by the river illuminated by Christmas lights strung high in the trees and a candle powered glass chandelier hanging from the branches as well. We didn't talk about television, because we don't watch too much. We didn't talk about technology, or the grind of a 9 to 5. We weren't unhappy. We ate Americanised ratatouille because we aren't traditional, eggs from the chicken coup (well, that was just me) because they were the most delicious I have tasted, beef from a local farmer, and day old salad. Everything was just perfectly nice. We chatted plus en plus because that was all there was to do, and that was more than enough. Even though I could barely sleep due to the fact of a bat flying in my face for a few hours, I could not have asked for a better day.

In this NY Time's Sunday Magazine, there is an article and photo spread about the new 20-something stage of life and what it will do to America. What a grand thought that maybe a 9 to 5 and a child is not for everyone the second they received that ever so tightlygift wrapped diploma. The expectations of that package almost as compact and neat as the paper. Was this the gift that they intended for us? To raise families without further exploring ourselves first, to sit at computers and talk about computers after 8 hours of typing on them? Not that this is bad or good, but it made me smile that the new 20 somethings are seeking a new life in their twenties, something we cant put a timeline on. While some of the older generations are scared because things are changing, thank god we are changing. It just seems like we can afford to stay the same.

I laughed through the read at times, remembering that Greg, at around 40 with no bills and no permanent residence , fit this new twenty something profile to a tee. I guess the concept of finding oneself is so funny. Who else would I find? Do we ever stop searching? I hope not. I know Greg hasn't . Who knows what the decades ahead will bring for me... whether it will be adventures in foreign countries or simply with the local people in coffee shops. But I hope it will be remnant of my days removed, but more connected than ever.

Monday, August 16, 2010

This is brilliant

This chica's blog is great. A thank you for everyday seemed lame at first, until Leah's wishful thinking about decancerated cigarettes came on the scene.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Im A Lovin...

I love dancers...
and if I was ever to marry, he would surely be the one...
but until then, Ill just do this...

So these images are just a few of my favorite "pins" on my new favorite site. Its worlds better than wasting time on that wierd virtual facebook world. Oh yes, and its called Pinterest. (Looky Here.)

So in short, this site is a virtual space to collect all the images you find around the world wide web that you adore. Well....I adore this site. Its fun and always reminds me how amazing and strong the visual can be. Check it zout.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

All smiles here.

Hello all,

Well, I know its been a while (et plus), and there is so much to catch up on.... but, for now I cant seem to focus on anything else except for the things that are making me smile this very moment. Just thought I might share them with you, in hopes that they will make you grin a bit too.

Returning. From Camp, with new friends and experiences in tow along with the affirmation that although I respect children, they just arent my thang.

Going. Hawaii. Maui, that is. With the fam for 10 days. I cant wait to yoga, eat, visually document what I'm eating, and spend time with my favorite people.

Opening. I just received a letter followed by an email from one of my New York friends whose kookiness slash coolness is always missing from my my daily life. She sent a pic from our quick/amazing adventure in Paris. I am apparently a technological idiot, so you will have to bear with me and tilt your head to the left to correctly view this one...

Listening. My new great friend/ ex co-counselor Amanda and I exchanged copious amounts of new music (at least new to each other). I now finally have the full two albums of Mermaid Avenue and another new favorite: Explosions in the Sky.

Baking. Trail Mix Cookies. Favorite Snack in cookie form. Good show, nuts and raisins, good show.

Pinning. Okay I don't looove love love technology. And I definitely would opt for the real life version of mostly anything, but I have recently been loving this site. Il s'appelle Pinterest. Virtual inspiration boards let you take images from all over the world wide web and arrange them for you and your friends to share. Im lovin it.

Awaiting. Baking Ventures. New York pals' / New pals August visits. Colorado cahoots. The adventure forward. So excited... mostly because I have no f-in clue what lies there.

Monday, June 14, 2010

We're Following The Leader.....

Qui? Moi? Oh this should be rather interesting. Today, off I go, to be a camp counselor for 6 weeks in Monterey, CA with a zillion young ladies ready to look up to, you guessed it, me. Buahahahahahahah.....

But seriously, I'm actually really excited to return to the summer camp where I spent the best summers of my childhood. I'm assisting with the B&W photo class, which couldn't be better, and with trips planned to roast marshmallows on the beach and creep around Raging Waters (waterslide park) I couldn't be happier. I'm zippin down today in my new (to me) tiny car.... A MINI!...feeling all European and all as I jerk myself and my passengers every which way during my first week working a clutch. Well, Ill be in and out of here, probably mostly out though, as I'm sure Ill be preoccupied most of the next 6 weeks singing Kumbayah...

A bientot!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mon Project du mois....

This is what I'm workin with. What a complete mess. Mais, Project Number Une: completed. The transport of my bed to the alcove. Cozy lightness.

Its the end of spring and I haven't done any cleaning yet. So in the spirit of the supposed annual discard pile, I have decided to take it a step further and splash some new color on the walls and refit my room to my twenty something self. Finally taking down my teenage years from my walls, noticing how everything has changed, slowly but dramatically, over the years. Removing the pictures, the things I once thought would make me beyond cool, and throwing out all the junk that hopefully others might treasure, is a cool renewing process.... a building of my own space in my home I've grown in since I can remember. Et plus, lately I cant get enough of projects, creating and being surrounded with things I love. From my garden to my daily outfit, each seems like an opportunity to see and build my visual world. So fun...a couple sources of inspiration/ideas:

My thought behind moving my bed to the alcove = more space. My thought behind more space = room for a teepee. Duh.

This is not my garden. Or my picture. But if I could bring this into my room somehow... i might never leave.

I am in love with these colors and of course the great rustic lighting.

So, I'm not saying I want this bridal party in my room. Or a wedding in my life. But I do love this.

I am beyond elated when I see the soft side come out of the rough and tough. Today it was the grizzly paint store man than cradled his rescued kitten carefully in his arms. The other week it was a gift from a welder friend. Its just so nice to look at something and see beyond its surface beauty. Connecting to the story of these things, to make them livelier than just things, is so great.

A place filled with pillows to read, chat, and potentially tea... even if the closest it gets is just holding an empty teapot. And one thing that hasn't changed from my early teenage years? My fervent desire for a wall covered in chalkboard paint. Don't judge me.

My garden. I love my garden. It is probably the closest thing I will ever had to a child, so yes it is very special to me. Indoor pots with plants from seed and salvaged containers is the abstract plan...Ooo! And glass jars. I love glass jars.

I am oscillating between this bright and vibrant bed dress and a stark white fluffy (unstuffy) bed. I have always wanted a white fluffy bed.

My favorite read as of late. Rustic, whole, beautiful, and made with love. An inspiration for everything.

....and I want to feel like this after I jump on my fluffy white bed (that Ive always wanted).

And then, ladies and gentlemen, I will dance around listening to Bob Boylan talk about all things cool.

Alors, on va voir...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Love Me and Leave Me

wow... so its been awhile folks. I would say I'm sorry, but I had so much wonderful-ness about lately that has kept me preoccupied, that I can't say I really am. Anywho, good to be back and so much to tell.

1. I had a such a wonderful past week. My wife came for her long past due visit to the Stein household. I hadn't seen her in a little less than a whole year... entire year...and it was a much needed reunion. She had a little extra spark about positive, so wonderful, so ready to take on the world with all her talents have to offer. Anywho, we did a lot in a week, but that "a lot" that feels like not doing much at all... which I love. I showed her my favorite food co-op dans le monde, we danced in the car, made scrump didyliumptious dinners for my fam, made an impromptu decision to cut our hairs very tinsy in SF, ate the BEST veggie sandwich in Hayes Valley I've ever had, and the list goes on et on. Oh... et plus! The little one just flippin got into the Food Studies program at NYU.... booyah grandma. Et plus....

We played in the garden....

and bought peonies.

It was a great week.

2. I might just be doing the thing that would make me even happier than I already am...opening a cafe/bakery with my new great friend Lisa. I know this might be a jinx, and although I 99.9% believe in the jinx, I whole heartedly believe this will happen.... no matter how strong the god jinx is. I met this awesome chica at a BBQ gathering with my cousins a few weeks past, and it was one of those moments when everything aligns. The more we talk the more we say "holy shit this is too perfect." A great lady with great ideas and ideals that coincide with mine regarding all things food. I can't believe its happening... or at least I think it is. We've chatted a few times over sweet treats and the next step is looking at venues. I couldn't think of a better career... solving the worlds problems one chocolate laced smile at a time. I'll keep you posted...until then, ideas, suggestions welcome for cafes/bakeries....

3. So, my google reader is overflowing. I find it so much more refreshing than the pesky newspaper. Don't get me wrong I want to be informed with whatever horrible things are happening in our worlds, but more so I want to see and hear all the great projects and ventures individuals are putting out there. Its amazing. It makes me feel so nice too. There are so many talented people around, or rather people that have found what they are great at... what makes them happy and listening to that thing in their chest that goes thump. These people who have found this seem to be so gracious, so at peace with what they are doing. I think it gives me hope everyday.... and just a tince bit of anxiety when I see 213 new items in the reader to peruse each morn. Enough rambling.... here some of my new finds:

Abby Try Again - Amazing photography and a great name to boot.
The Bright Side Project - Cute interviews with the cute and talented. But, I wont lie, they have awesome giveaways everyday, and although you may be my competition, I guess sharing is worth it? Well, visit now before I change my mind and remove this.
Sweet Amandine - She hasn't updated in a bit, but I LOVE HER. You'll see why.

4. I staked my tomato plants with pretty bamboo arches and the squash blossoms are in bloom! My garden is flourishing! (Tip that Im unsure works: Plant magnolias to ward off the bad bugas... on va voir)

5. Cherries sont arrivent. Hello cherry tarts, cherry jam, cherry pie, dried cherries, fresh cherries, cherry spitting contests (which, by the way, my dad has already lost), cherry cornmeal scones, cherries jubilee*, cherry muffins... well you get the picture. I'm excited and I have the oven pre-heated and ready to go. Recipes a bientot....

7? Schmoopie just told me the other day I had luck like no other. I stopped to think about this for a few minutes and came to the self conclusion that this might be a rather large understatement. I don't think there are many days that go by when I don't think about my life for a quick second, shake my head with disbelief, and think how lucky I am. But beyond lucky. With all my great family and beyond talented and great friends....I'm just waiting for lightening or something to strike...or whatever the hell is suppose to happen. I never really know who or what to thank... so Ill just thank Trader Joe's Crunchy salted Peanut Butter. I guess its the closest thing Ive ever had to organized religion. A wonderful Deity I must say.

A Bientot:

1. Its spring and that means cherries, sun, and our annual visit to temple for the Bagel Brunch. Yum. The Steins (well, 3 out of 4) only pray over bagels and lox.

2. Bakery talk. Road trips to bakeries. Cavities to follow.

3. A quick trip to visit my long lost Costa Rican brother in Santa Cruz...

4. Shaina (aka cookie monster) est arrive.

5. San Fran for the D'Orsay exhibit. Grand ol Paris is comin for un petit visit. Woop woop. Maybe we'll squeeze a croissant in there somewhere too.

A la prochaine a tous...

*I am not exactly sure what this is... but I will. and then I will make it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Le Printemps....

Ah spring... I would say its my favorite season, but I do believe my favorite season is always the beginning of each one.....and my least favorite always being the end of winter. That one is a no brainer. But there is something so special about the spring and for the first time.... in quite a long time... I'm in California (northern, bah ouais) for the gloriousness of this event. So what have I been doing with myself you may ask? Well, first of all, my inner 3rd grader says "M.Y.O.B." (the b standing for beeswax of course), although my other, slightly duller, journaling self will reply...

Garden Fresh. My mom and I finally got motivated to plant our garden. Well... by insinuating "we plant" I mean she buys the stuff and I do the work. Totally cool with me. And I think with her too? Huh. Ill ask . But I planted tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, a shit ton of herbs, cucumbers, and arugula. I think my fav is the arugula because I have very little patience and it grows pretty fast. And tasty to boot. But the garden is so fun. Its like having your own little kid... except not, because its not a pain in my ASS.

Ze Yoga. I had such a great class today. Its just that thing for me that makes most of my sucky days better and allows the good ones to keep on keepin on. Find your yoga. Maybe its cooking, or reading, or hell even some illegal substance. But, when you find whatever it is... its so goood.

Art. Since Ive been back from artsy fartsy Paris, Ive been a little more inspired to pick up my own camera and to check out what other people are doing too. Result? My dad asking me why the keyboard is slightly wet from what appears to be drool after I have been checking out the approximate 5,456 blogs I belong to. Its so fun! Ive been finding new music, inspiration, recipes, and occasionally drift to check out what the Real Housewives are fighting about behind the scenes. Whattt? fuck you ok? Don't judge me. You're KFC Double Down is my enjoyment watching a good old rift between Bethenny and Jill.
Anywho here are some of the artsy-ish blogs that have been making me smile as of late:
SF. I explored a few areas of the Bay's city with Xtina last week and I'm more excited that ever to move in the fall. Noe Valley and Mission are toping my list; the Mission because they have a cute park and really awesome ice cream.... Noe Valley because they have french inspired cafes. But, really... Ill move anywhere as long as I can get to and from the Rainbow Co-op in less than an hour. My cocaine. Anywho, it was the best day.

Cooking. I made homemade graham crackers last night. My intention was to make them for the little kiddies next door, but then they actually turned out really good.

Et plus....Ive spent some time with my cuzzles, although not as much as I would like, discovered I have a strange affinity for parchment paper and steel cuts oats (but preferably not together), and spent more time at the bookstore than my dad does sleeping. Oh yes, and counting down the seconds until my wondrous wife arrives for her annual visit....

Now, what I should be doing:
making catch up phone calls
having fancy hat brunches
cleaning my room so I can make it to my bed without 3 hops, 2 steps, and a jump.

Enjoy your springy day and try some asparagus.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So, en fait, I'm home. During the past week I've been experiencing a bit of culture shock, adjusting from 2 hours spent over an espresso back to watching my dad eat a bagel in under 2 minutes flat... in a car. Quel horror! After watching mildly depressing television shows (Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution reinforces everything I wish food, or food-like substances, were not), anxious and pushy drivers tailgating my every move to and from, and mostly to, the slow lane, and the constant blaring of bass-ed out music around every street corner... I remember that I am, after all home. After realizing how much I loathe some things about the states, I remember how much I love some things about being home. Some of mon petits triumphs:

I visited the Fruit Bowl, our answer to local bakery slash veggie/fruit center, and returned home with fresh backyard eggs and ciabatta. The eggs were even better than the ones I love so in Paris.... the bread on the other hand my friends... is a different story...

An amazing dinner with my couzzles at their house, cooking and laughing together, and making fun of... in the best of ways... the frenchies and our fellow statesmen. They always give me hope for Americans.

Asparagus Season!

I can order something at a restaurant, voice concerns, problems, or stupid ramblings without practicing to myself beforehand looking like some kind of psychopath on the street. French is beautiful, but god its nice to be back.

Sun. Espresso. Back Patio. Enough. Said.

Morning Routine. Plus Yoga. Heaven.

After lunching, my mom and I stopped in at the post office to grab some stamps. Momentarily preoccupied by a 6 year old-ish child crawling all over the extremely well kept floor, our attention was re-directed to the cock-a-doodle-doos coming from the backroom. The lady in front of us dismissed it as a ringtone. Well, I know better. Welcome back.

Sacramento Co-op. Id like the frenchies show me a place they have teff, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, and four types of wheat flour in one store... in bulk. Now thats what I call my oh la la.

Et plus.... mon famille et mes amies. The best dans le monde... with no bias whatsoever.


Driving home the other night, upon returning to the driveway that has welcomed me back home for the past 20-ish years of my life, I thought about how many different stages of Stephanie Stein that driveway has seen. Its been there there, time and time again, not judging, not laughing, not crying, just being there to welcome me back. I thought about the different ways I had entered this driveway in the past and how telling it has been of my different selves over the years. As a passenger for most of my life, taking in my surroundings, actually listening and absorbing each word my parents told me.... As a teenager whipping ferociously into the driveway when my parents told me to slow down... As a college student, not even realizing where I was, and now just being grateful that its been there, and stayed put through all these years. I know... I just moved from Paris back to Stockton, but theres something about that driveway. that means to my home that no place on Earth could ever replicate.... even if their are gunshots as a backdrop.

My home, just another one of the many journeys I find on the road.


-San Fran with the lovely Xtina
-Farmers Market
-Lunch with my old Frenchie teach. Can't wait for that great look of disappointment when my first "Bonjour", avec un accent tres americain, slips out.
-Pool. Sun. Burning. Shade.
-People apparently want to join me in the above activities.... awaiting visits... wifey, KK the Great, et Michy... A tres bientot...