Rockaway Taco, A Selby Film from the selby on Vimeo.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Like a Kid

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Danny B.... Makin Shit Happen
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010

It was about one year ago that I was walking up from the metro, heavy bags at my ankles trying to translate the phrase "depeches toi!!", to find my first resting place in Paris. It was about two years ago at this same time when I was welcomed to the land of bugs and composting toilets in the rainforest of Costa Rica. And has it already been 6 years since the time I arrived in New York, all by my lonesome at the start of all my crazy journeys?
And now back in California, same time, new place. What is it about fall... maybe its the change of colors, the anticipated longing of the season that lay behind us, the start of yet another school year... that seems ceremonial for all things new and allows us to hit that good old restart button. So maybe the Jews really do have their New Year right. The past few months I have been experiencing this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for all my experiences in the past and for all the possibilities that seem so vast and open for the future. They all seem to start in September and even though peaches and tomatoes are starting to disappear, the end of summer doesn't seem so bad afterall.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
On Passion

Monday, September 6, 2010
The Past Couple Weeks Behind My Point & Shoot
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I Thought I Was Strange...

Sunday, August 22, 2010
A Bit Here a BIt There

Monday, August 16, 2010
This is brilliant

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Im A Lovin...

So these images are just a few of my favorite "pins" on my new favorite site. Its worlds better than wasting time on that wierd virtual facebook world. Oh yes, and its called Pinterest. (Looky Here.)
So in short, this site is a virtual space to collect all the images you find around the world wide web that you adore. Well....I adore this site. Its fun and always reminds me how amazing and strong the visual can be. Check it zout.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
All smiles here.

Monday, June 14, 2010
We're Following The Leader.....

Friday, May 21, 2010
Mon Project du mois....

My garden. I love my garden. It is probably the closest thing I will ever had to a child, so yes it is very special to me. Indoor pots with plants from seed and salvaged containers is the abstract plan...Ooo! And glass jars. I love glass jars.

I am oscillating between this bright and vibrant bed dress and a stark white fluffy (unstuffy) bed. I have always wanted a white fluffy bed.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Love Me and Leave Me
We played in the garden....
and bought peonies.
It was a great week.
3. So, my google reader is overflowing. I find it so much more refreshing than the pesky newspaper. Don't get me wrong I want to be informed with whatever horrible things are happening in our worlds, but more so I want to see and hear all the great projects and ventures individuals are putting out there. Its amazing. It makes me feel so nice too. There are so many talented people around, or rather people that have found what they are great at... what makes them happy and listening to that thing in their chest that goes thump. These people who have found this seem to be so gracious, so at peace with what they are doing. I think it gives me hope everyday.... and just a tince bit of anxiety when I see 213 new items in the reader to peruse each morn. Enough rambling.... here some of my new finds:
Abby Try Again - Amazing photography and a great name to boot.
The Bright Side Project - Cute interviews with the cute and talented. But, I wont lie, they have awesome giveaways everyday, and although you may be my competition, I guess sharing is worth it? Well, visit now before I change my mind and remove this.
Sweet Amandine - She hasn't updated in a bit, but I LOVE HER. You'll see why.
7? Schmoopie just told me the other day I had luck like no other. I stopped to think about this for a few minutes and came to the self conclusion that this might be a rather large understatement. I don't think there are many days that go by when I don't think about my life for a quick second, shake my head with disbelief, and think how lucky I am. But beyond lucky. With all my great family and beyond talented and great friends....I'm just waiting for lightening or something to strike...or whatever the hell is suppose to happen. I never really know who or what to thank... so Ill just thank Trader Joe's Crunchy salted Peanut Butter. I guess its the closest thing Ive ever had to organized religion. A wonderful Deity I must say.
A Bientot:
1. Its spring and that means cherries, sun, and our annual visit to temple for the Bagel Brunch. Yum. The Steins (well, 3 out of 4) only pray over bagels and lox.
2. Bakery talk. Road trips to bakeries. Cavities to follow.
3. A quick trip to visit my long lost Costa Rican brother in Santa Cruz...
4. Shaina (aka cookie monster) est arrive.
5. San Fran for the D'Orsay exhibit. Grand ol Paris is comin for un petit visit. Woop woop. Maybe we'll squeeze a croissant in there somewhere too.
A la prochaine a tous...
*I am not exactly sure what this is... but I will. and then I will make it.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Le Printemps....

Ze Yoga. I had such a great class today. Its just that thing for me that makes most of my sucky days better and allows the good ones to keep on keepin on. Find your yoga. Maybe its cooking, or reading, or hell even some illegal substance. But, when you find whatever it is... its so goood.
Anywho here are some of the artsy-ish blogs that have been making me smile as of late:

making catch up phone calls
having fancy hat brunches
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

An amazing dinner with my couzzles at their house, cooking and laughing together, and making fun of... in the best of ways... the frenchies and our fellow statesmen. They always give me hope for Americans.

Asparagus Season!
I can order something at a restaurant, voice concerns, problems, or stupid ramblings without practicing to myself beforehand looking like some kind of psychopath on the street. French is beautiful, but god its nice to be back.

Sun. Espresso. Back Patio. Enough. Said.

Morning Routine. Plus Yoga. Heaven.
After lunching, my mom and I stopped in at the post office to grab some stamps. Momentarily preoccupied by a 6 year old-ish child crawling all over the extremely well kept floor, our attention was re-directed to the cock-a-doodle-doos coming from the backroom. The lady in front of us dismissed it as a ringtone. Well, I know better. Welcome back.
Sacramento Co-op. Id like the frenchies show me a place they have teff, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, and four types of wheat flour in one store... in bulk. Now thats what I call my oh la la.
Et plus.... mon famille et mes amies. The best dans le monde... with no bias whatsoever.

My home, just another one of the many journeys I find on the road.
-San Fran with the lovely Xtina
-Farmers Market
-Lunch with my old Frenchie teach. Can't wait for that great look of disappointment when my first "Bonjour", avec un accent tres americain, slips out.
-Pool. Sun. Burning. Shade.
-People apparently want to join me in the above activities.... awaiting visits... wifey, KK the Great, et Michy... A tres bientot...